Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring Break!

SPRING BREAK IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET"S CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm sorry Chantel Riley

Chantel, I know you'r mad at me and won't talk to me no matter how many times I apololgize. I still want to apologize. So to do something stupid to get your forgiveness, I'm adding this post so I can apologize. Can we please be friends again?-Ashleigh

New Year! Obama!

Ok everyone knows it's the New Year and that means a new you and Obama's Inaguration.
Let's see what your new years resoulotion is! Is it too see Obama's Inaguration? Is it to be a better you? Is it become a better drawer,or writer. Post a comment!

Friday, December 12, 2008


OK people listen up me and my best friend Raynna are having an huge debate actually a fight about Kiba's family. The pretty one is the sister and the ugly one is the mom! She thinks vice-versa! Post a comment to say whose right! OBVIOUSLY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Anime, writing and drawing.

This is a blog for people who like anime/manga,writing,drawing

One of the three is good.

But if you like all three that's even greater.

Leave a comment and visit my blog!

Leave Fan-fics if intrested in that.